Family - together playing games, eating good food and enjoying eachother's company...
So I was thinking the other day that when I first went to grade school, my friend's mom was the secretary and she did all of her work on a typewriter...I know this because we often played on it after school! By the time I was in 5th grade we had computers in our classroom and played the original Oregon Trail game. That was awesome! In 7th grade, we had a computer lab and that's when I learned how to type and make a basic excel worksheet. It wasn't until my Freshman year in college that I signed up for an email account. And I finally owned my very own computer after my Junior year of college. I say all this to say how quickly and how amazing technology progresses.
I can only imagine what technology will be like when my baby goes to school...power point presentations for show and tell and who knows what else.
We doubled our money on this italian tea cart repro!
We are home! Ecuador was beautiful, wonderful, inspiring, encouraging, and faith-building. The camp was fabulous. The Ecuadorians did a great job with the camp. One thing that really impressed me was that some of the kids rode a bus for 12 hours to get there. That is dedication to get to church camp. The other thing that was awesome about this camp was that a majority of the kids that were there were not from church. I am so glad that they were there and were able to hear about Jesus.
I am so inspired by the tutores (counselors) at the camp. I loved to watch them work with the teens and run the camp. Because of our inability to speak Spanish fluently, it was through these people that we could see the words of faith being passed down to the teens. I believe that God brought us there to see His good work being done through others in a different language...and it was humbling and empowering at the same time to know that I as an individual wasn't significant because I couldn't even speak the same language, but I believe it was powerful because we were so united as a group of Christians regardless of language and words, our faith was one and the same. That was the beauty of this trip.
Oh the fun we had! The food was great, it was awesome to see family all together in one place, and we had such fun riding bikes, feeding pigs, playing horseshoes, shooting guns. Can't wait to go back again next year! This was like the best vacation at the best time for us! And we finished off the weekend with a big bang. God gave us a huge thunder and lightning show that went for hours right around us! The lightning lit up the whole sky and the thunder rolled. It was awesome! I love the city, but there is something about the country that I miss. I love the simplicity, the dirt, the peacefulness, the quiet. The city is great, but I believe a little country is good for your soul!
Please shine down on me