I had to get my passport updated with my married name on it this year. So I sent it in along with my marriage license about 6 weeks ago. Every day I walk to our mailbox to see if it has arrived and every day so far I am disappointed. It's not like I'm down to the wire, but we leave 2 weeks from today. I know it will come because if you send it in with your money, it will come! Or at least it better come or I'm going to have to freak out. Liam already got his about a week ago, and we got ours at the same time except mine had to be mailed in. So if I don't get it, we'll have to revert to Plan B. And right now I don't have a Plan B, but I do know that if I need to I will come up with one.
Update - July 28
Okay, so I finally got something today from the US gov, but it's not my passport! Apparently I have to also send a copy of my driver's license that shows the married name that I am using because for some stupid reason, the marriage license and Jeb's official name change document that shows that his name is legally Bristow-Hanna (instead of just Bristow) isn't enough. I know that is kind of confusing, but it was good enough for me to get all of my other government-issued documents. So I am a little bit freaked out because the girl on the phone said there is no guarantee that I can get my passport even if I fedex overnight the driver's license to them and include a fedex overnight for them to mail it back to me. So things are out of my control as far as if I'm going to get this thing in time for my trip now! Yikes! Please say a prayer to get this passport in time! Thanks!