Monday, August 10, 2009

A Raspberry

The other day I took my son and daughter to the farmer's market for fun and to buy some fresh produce. It was so fun for them to buy carrots and onions with the stem still attached. And I just feel so healthy by walking through the rows and rows of God's beautiful creation all made for our pleasure and nourishment. My son has a fancy for eating fresh berries - pretty much any berry there is out there he loves to eat. We were looking for blackberries, but bought some raspberries by default which turned out to be an excellent mistake. He reached out and pretty much man-handled the entire pint of berries with his hands, so I had to buy them. I have never been so happy with an accidental purchase. Those raspberries took me back in time the moment I sank my teeth into them. There is something about the sweet tanginess of a raspberry that took me back to my grandparents house on the farm. My Grandpa used to eat a bowl of fresh raspberries with sugar on it. My grandma had many different kinds of fresh berries that she grew at her house and my cousins and I spent many a summer day consuming all of her precious potential jam. I love tastes and smells like this that just take you back to wonderful memories. And I love how they escape your mind until you taste or smell that thing that takes you back to such a distinct memory. The brain is such an interesting thing with all of its nooks and crannies of memories and they pop up at just the right moment. I am so intrigued by our design and what a great Maker we have.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I had the same thing happen, only backwards, this last Sunday. My aunt and uncle were in town and we were talking about my late grandma and how great of a cook she was. Then my uncle mentined how she made the best roast beef and the gravy was the best he had ever tasted. right when he finished that sentance, I could taste and smell grandma's roast beef in my mouth. It was as wonderful as I had remembered... haha! But it was crazy because I had forgotten all about her awesome roast beef until that happened.

YAY! for memories.

Love you Prissy...
Kara Deal

Rebecca said...

I love those kinds of moments. Farmers Markets and those great fruit and vegetable stands are amazing. Not only because of the quality and freshness, but the price is fab, too. :) Glad you had such a good time with your kids.

Chelan said...

Ooh, I totally agree, Priscilla. I love farmers markets. I let Ella and Miles pick out any produce they want and forget the price. I want them to try it all. And if there isn't some sort of berry available to snack on every day around here, my kids aren't sure they're in the right house.

How special to have such vivid memories of your childhood and the simplest of moments. Doesn't it make you curious about what things will trigger your children's memories when they're adults thinking of their own childhood?
