Saturday, May 20, 2006

The most amazing circus
We went to Cirque du Soleil's Varekai this weekend. This was our first encounter with it. We have wanted to go there for like 5 years...pretty much ever since we saw the big yellow and blue circus tent set up under the Marcum Bridge in Portland! Well we finally made it! We had to pay a pretty penny to get the worst seats in the tent...but all I have to say is that even though there was a huge pole blocking part of the stage and obstructing our view the entire still was the coolest circus/show/musical/dance I have ever seen.
These people are so athletic, so gymnastic in a dance-like way, so talented with the most colorful and original costumes!

The balancing, the dance, the music, the colors, all appeal to your visual senses. They flew through the air, not like an acrobatic trapezist, but it's like they are telling a story through dance while they fly through the air. A beautiful, fun, vibrant story with a happy ending!

The only people I can make fun of, while they were still incredible were these guys. I call them "booty spinners". One guy sits his hiny on another man's feet and spin away in a back-flip fashion.


Jen said...

Lucky bums! I've never been to the circus in all my 27 years of living. I'll go someday, I'm sure.

On a different note, can I say how much I appreciate the fact that you don't have one of those dumb "type the letters that you see" crap. What's the point? I don't even know!

I like you guys. You're my friends even though we don't act like it. Did you know that Liam is Ben's favorite name? It's true!

tabitha jane said...

we went to that show with jen dudman for her birthday a few weeks ago!! it was awesome!!

the flight of icarus was amazing!

so were those two guys who flew through the air . . . you know the ones with no body fat . . . amazing. :)

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