Thursday, July 20, 2006

Men are good

I am glad that men and women are different. I am thinking this because lately I have been reflecting on my extreme moodswings. Happier than sunshine and fresh baked apple pie one minute, sad over who knows what the next, and then out of nowhere the fires of hell blaze from my eyes. And in the midst of all of these ridiculous shifting of mood, there lives my husband...sweet and steady. Thank you to all the men out there for being stable and knowing we can count on you when the storms of wife are raging.


Unknown said...

Most of us have irrational mood-swing moments too, but for me they are usually triggered by impersonal things. I get really mad at injustices and stuff, not just mad, mad enough that I ought to be assigned a sledge hammer and a building to tear down. I get over it, but for a few minutes, I am an irrational mess. I have to thank my sister for understanding and being the rational person then.

Lisa said...

I like this post. Its so true! When I am in a bad mood, or some kind of funk, I'll get even more frustrated with myself because I try to think of the last time he was in a mood, and I can't, so i get madder. Its a horrible cycle. He has his moments once in a while, but usally he is just a constant in my storms.

Priscilla said...

ty- in my limited experience with guys, it seems like they usually only get angry for a good reason, and then only sometimes upset for not quite so good reason (say someone cuts them off while driving) guys really are pretty constant in my opinion.

and lisa, most of the time i am the moody one too and it is frustrating, because i try to pride myself on keeping it all together and everything, but i have these moments that come a little more often than i would like where i just go crazy. the problem is that i think we are kind of hormonally doomed to be wacky too - you know pms every month, when you're pregnant and after having the baby the hormones are TOTALLY out of control, and the big one that i am so looking forward to menopause....yet we can't blame it all on hormones

Jenny Wilkinson said...

Easy Prissy, you don't want Jeb to be able to blame every time you get mad on your hormones. It's not like there aren't valid reasons (i.e. husbands) to go a little crazy. There is a really good episode of Everybody Loves Raymond for this.

Priscilla said...

Jenny, I agree that there are valid reasons to be mad at him from time to time...I don't attribute all the mood swings to hormones :)

Suzanne said...

Whew!!! I am glad that I am not the only one! It seems like I am always in A Mood and Malcolm is hardley ever in one. Sometimes I even try to Live Beyond Myself and fake it till I make it and he knows me so well that he even knows then and will ask me if I am grumpy or something. Which is totally not fair because I am really trying to work on not getting so irritated and annoyed over small, silly things. I guess I shouldn't even try to hide it. ;)

I have been reading your blog for awhile and really like it so I thought I should post a comment and say hi so.........HI! Plus this post brought the commenter out in me because I identified with it so much. Hope you even remember who I am!


Priscilla said...

Suzanne, welcome to our blog! I'm glad to know that there are other women out there who can identify with this! And of course we remember you! We saw your mom at pepperdine lectures and got all caught up on what and where you and malcolm are right now! Sounds like you guys are doing an exciting work in Canada!

Unknown said...

If Pricilla can write a comment to Suzanne, I think I can, too.

Suzanne, every time I see one of your comments, I click on your name hoping that I'll be able to go to your blog and catch up on your life, but you don't seem to have one. What's the deal? I think you better start writing one, just because I said so. =P

Kara Deal said...

Priss, I struggle with being moody and not so fun to be with ALL THE TIME! I often feel like Luke got the raw end of the deal because he didn't see or experience my full moodiness untill AFTER the wedding part. So he's like, "Who id this person I married?"

And I'm with Lisa on the getting even MORE mad when I start to feel guilty and realize that Luke is hardly ever in a mood! Oh, that just burns me up.

But I'll also take it one step further and when Luke does suddenly decide to have a mood swing situation... I am NOT as okay with it and stady as he is when I am. (I know that hardly makes sense.. go ahead, re-read it.) But are ya'll feeling me too, or am I just really rotten?

(Gina, Suzanne does have one... it's just hard to get to. ENJOY!)

Jen said...

I've been havin' a bundle of emotions lately! It's pretty annoying. One funny thing about being emotional is when I bring it up to my mom she always points out all the stresses in my life as the reason. I guess she's in the middle of outside stresses being a large part of life. "You did just have a big move..." Or, "You have had so many changes lately..." What am I going to blame it on when we stop moving?

Priscilla said...

someone called me and wanted to know if all these mood swings had to do with being pregnant again, and just in case there are some others out there wondering the same thing, for the record, i am not. :)

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