Saturday, May 06, 2006

We've seen sunshine!!!...or should we say "sonshine"
We arrived home today after spending this past week at Pepperdine University for their annual lectureship. It was an awesome time there of seeing old friends and feeling spiritually nourished and encouraged and uplifted. It may sound cheesy, but when the 8,000 or so people are in the same room worshipping, I felt like I was experiencing a little bit of heaven and I kept having to fight back tears because it gave my soul such a sweet feeling. I love that people can lay their differences of opinion aside for a few days and just love eachother and be united. It was so beautiful!

Some highlights of the trip were:

Liam going on his first plane ride and doing absolutely wonderful except a couple ear-piercing shrieks! This is good news because we are trying to go to Ecuador this summer, and I actually think we could make it through 12 hours of traveling because he was so calm and easygoing!

Eating in Malibu - while we were there Beth (Jeb's sister) and I ran to the grocery store to buy a couple of things and came back to Jeb, who we had left with 3 kids, with water dumped all over him and food all over the table, chairs, and floor. He managed to keep his spirits up despite all the food and water everywhere. Afterwards someone told me he did such a good job, and I think she reminded me of Catherine Zeta Jones. You see, I wanted to see a celebrity on this trip, and because I wanted to see one so badly, I am going to convince myself that that was Catherine Zeta Jones, but I just didn't realize it until now.

Walking down the Hollywood walk of fame. We walked in the same place the stars walked! Woo Hoo! We took some pictures of all the hand and foot prints out front of the chinese theatre and everything. Here is me with Marilyn Monroe!!!

Having Beth, James, Maddie and Landon come along with us! This was exciting because we don't get to see them often since they live a decent distance away. One of the most memorable things we did was go to the American Girl Place. Jeb says, "What has America come to? There is actually a place that exists where you can pay money to bring your DOLL to the salon!!! Have we rejected reality to the point where our dolls appearance actually requires a store to get the right look? I pay $12 to get my hair cut short...with actual clippers and scissors and I feel like I've been ripped off. But this particular dolls hair was brushed with a toothbrush and parted with a pen and braided and rubberbanded all for the low low price of $25. Again, my question, what has America come to?"

Then of course, how can I forget the warm sunshine. As I write this we have been home now for just a couple of hours and it is typical Northwest weather, cold and overcast. and I miss the southern California sun! I got sunburned while I was there and wore a tank top and flip flops every day! I agree with John Denver because sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy too.

Liam having fun in the sun.


Lisa said...

JEB and PRISCILLA!!! Yea!! I'm going to link you guys on my blog. I haven't read this whole post yet, but I read that you are going to Ecuador!! When? Where? We are going this Christmas. I think you love it, I do. You'll be all sweaty and and gross the whole time. But no worries, its a great place with great people and great food. Even though I have already been, and am going later this year, I'm jealous you are going sooner!! You guys are so cute, Liam is adorable.

So, I'm going to go back and read the rest of the post, and Ill comment again if I have any fancy and intelligent comments.

Lisa said...

Oh, and I just remember that I wanted to tell you, that you are going to Ecuador, and my husband is from Ecaudor,and has an aunt and a cousin name Priscilla. Whoa...I think we were meant to be friends.

dodyb said...

Hi Jeb and Pris!!!

see ya at FQ?????

Southern CA is nice but always remember....we live in God's Country :)

Unknown said...

So happy to have you blogging too. Liam is adorable, as I knew he would be. I'm glad you got some sun, it is spring here and the sun is warm, the flowers are blooming and I'm . . . spending my time blogging.

tara said...

hi guys!! such a small world! it sounds like you guys are doing great and liam is the cutest little thing ive ever seen. i had a dream about tim roberts last night so maybe it was a preminition or something...cause you were friends...
anyway, ive got a, newly started blog site, so if you ever need to know any uninteresting facts about me- head on over. love you guys!

Unknown said...

Jeb & Priscilla! I'm so glad you started a blog. (Now, post some more--preferably with more pictures of your adorable tyke.) See, I'm just as bossy and demanding as ever. Hee hee!

Kaydub said...

Once there was an old man, sitting in his threadbare relciner, musing over the menaingful moments of his life; the meager contributions one man can make; the relationship one invests in; the prayers that are sent heavenward.
In his ample lap rested the old man's computer where words and images splashed, illuminating not only his darkened home, but also his old heart. With deft fingers, the ancient youth minister scrolled and clicked, reading the clever, humorous, and insightful thoughts of his old youth group members and their little friends.
As he linked from one blogsite to the next, the old man's heart warmed ... he sighed deeply ... and a tear fell.

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