Friday, June 30, 2006


I feel lately that our schedule has forced us to choose. What is the best choice? Do I see friends or family? Do I try to cram everything in and be ridiculously busy? Do I choose camp or VBS? Do I choose church or family? In most situations, I think one may be a better option than the other, but yet they are all good options.

This is my struggle. To decide between good and best. To decide where my priority will be. To decide how not to overcommit myself to things. To decide how to live out my faith for Christ, but to not be so busy I can't stand it. To decide how to make time for family for just fun and being together. To decide when it's time to just rest and be still.

Lately decisions have become a lot like drugs to me. Just say no.


dodyb said...

Kevin Woods gave me words to live by and I have...No is a Godly answer. It really did save me from myself. I have always felt that family comes first. They are your mission field right now. Enjoy the years together with Liam.

Priscilla said...

I agree wholeheartedly. It's just hard to find the right balance.

Jen said...

Thankfully my full time job is staying at home, but I really pride myself in not being busy. Luckily for me the youth ministry aspect has vanished for us but it's tough knowing when to let go of things and be still.

Johnathan M. Thomas said...

Sometimes, I'm just not as busy as I think I am. It's my poor planning and procrastination that make my life busy and full.

This year I have said "no" to more people and ministry and I am still busy. I'm even thinking about saying no to Faith Quest this year. BUT, I know it won’t stop my hectic life.

Listen, I love you... More than I love most men. However, as a Youth Rabbi I can say that much of our busy life is self-inflicted because our priorities are not aligned.

Don’t worry about Camp. They don’t need you. Remember, the gospel of Christ has survived more than 2000 years without you or me… I think one more summer won’t hurt.

Mind your cup… When it overflows, others will be blessed.


Chelan said...

Priss, long time no blog... but I must say you aren't alone. I feel like I am happiest when I just say no to something every once in a while and get wrapped up in a good book instead. This makes me less likely to agonize over every decision I make in life. Also, with kids, it's a lot funner to get lost in a book. Now then, the book I'd recommend to you, your husband, and certainly anyone else who reads this is "Jayber Crow." It's incredible. Incredible. It is so beautiful and makes me want to weep with joy and conviction and delight. The ending was superb. You'll love it Priss. xoxo

Priscilla said...

thank you all for your thoughts! sometimes there is just no escaping when you have things lined up one after the other and that's what the past couple weeks have been. we slow down now until august. thank you for thinking of us and praying for us right now.

chelan, i have been wanting to read a good book lately. i like to read, but i only like to read good books, so thank you for the recommendation.

if you all could just say a couple prayers for us, we know God will give us what we need to make it through the rest of this summer to do the work He gave us to do - and then come september we're going to vacate to rekindle our relationship with god, with family, and just for sanity sake.

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