When the tide comes in at Delano, it looks like this...ahhhh...isn't that a little token from God!!!
Some highlights of the trip were:
Liam going on his first plane ride and doing absolutely wonderful except a couple ear-piercing shrieks! This is good news because we are trying to go to Ecuador this summer, and I actually think we could make it through 12 hours of traveling because he was so calm and easygoing!
Eating in Malibu - while we were there Beth (Jeb's sister) and I ran to the grocery store to buy a couple of things and came back to Jeb, who we had left with 3 kids, with water dumped all over him and food all over the table, chairs, and floor. He managed to keep his spirits up despite all the food and water everywhere. Afterwards someone told me he did such a good job, and I think she reminded me of Catherine Zeta Jones. You see, I wanted to see a celebrity on this trip, and because I wanted to see one so badly, I am going to convince myself that that was Catherine Zeta Jones, but I just didn't realize it until now.
Walking down the Hollywood walk of fame. We walked in the same place the stars walked! Woo Hoo! We took some pictures of all the hand and foot prints out front of the chinese theatre and everything. Here is me with Marilyn Monroe!!!
Having Beth, James, Maddie and Landon come along with us! This was exciting because we don't get to see them often since they live a decent distance away. One of the most memorable things we did was go to the American Girl Place. Jeb says, "What has America come to? There is actually a place that exists where you can pay money to bring your DOLL to the salon!!! Have we rejected reality to the point where our dolls appearance actually requires a store to get the right look? I pay $12 to get my hair cut short...with actual clippers and scissors and I feel like I've been ripped off. But this particular dolls hair was brushed with a toothbrush and parted with a pen and braided and rubberbanded all for the low low price of $25. Again, my question, what has America come to?"
Then of course, how can I forget the warm sunshine. As I write this we have been home now for just a couple of hours and it is typical Northwest weather, cold and overcast. and I miss the southern California sun! I got sunburned while I was there and wore a tank top and flip flops every day! I agree with John Denver because sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy too.
Liam having fun in the sun.