Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Velveeta + Rotelli = Crazy Delicious!!

I probably shouldn't even be writing this right now. There are some members on the Bristow side of the family who hold this delicious secret more dearly than the Davinci Code! But something inside me whispers..."tell the world Jeb, tell the world!"

Most people dont realize the art form in cooking this cheese dip. Many want to slap a block of Velveeta in the microwave and pour some picante sause from New York City on it and call it Queso. But the Bristow family secret will not revert to calling an american processed cheese a hispanic name, oh no, this dip in it's purest american form is CHEESE DIP Sucker!

This last weekend my cousins, Brandon, Jonathan, Jesse & Blain came up to see me. I cant think of a greater way to say, "your home" than to make a bowl of cheese dip for them. Ok so I bought the supplies and they made it for me, but that's beside the point.


Unknown said...

That sounds super yummy. Now I want to make it for dinner. Aw heck, maybe for breakfast!

Just what I needed when I'm trying (in theory, not in actual practice) to lose 30 pounds. Thanks a LOT, Jeb!¡

Lisa said...

Im sorry to break the news... but, its not so much a family secret. I have been making that for years! I learned in Texas. Now who is the sucker!!! Ha!

Priscilla said...

Liars! all of you!! No one knows these secrets and I eat it all the time and I look absolutely fine!

Unknown said...

There, there. It's okay. You were right, we were wrong. You were wise, we were fools. We thank you for revealing the mysteries of cheese dip, and you're all hot and stuff.

Thought you'd like to know that Priscilla plays a Special Guest Star role in Ty's most recent post.

Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site...
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