Should you find yourself in dangers way, call superbaby to save the day. I realize he only has his little scooter to rescue you, but never underestimate the speed of him on his machine! He can pull books off shelves in a flash and stir toilet water in the blink of an eye!
He IS a SUPER baby! I love that boy!
I believe that he is the cutest superbaby I have ever seen :)
Is it okay if I pretend to need rescuing just so I can fanagle a visit from Superbaby? Because I haven't gotten to meet him yet and I think that's highly unfair. I should get to meet ALL the cute babies! Especially the super-cute ones like Liam.
There's something that is just typically 'boy' about riding a bike with a red cape on. We went through that same phase and he turned out very confident in his abilities! You go Liam, the world's your oyster.
Hey, Jones and Liam have the same ammount of hair! Cute Boy!
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