Wednesday, February 07, 2007

For those of you who have been following the story of our friend Steph (read some of my previous blogs), this is the email that I received from Steph's Mom yesterday:

Hi Everyone,
Stephanie had a CT scan today. Some of the nodules got smaller but a number of the ones that were small got much larger. It appears that the cancer has gotten resistant to the chemo. We don't have the final report from the radiologist (with measurements, etc) but for now the plan is to meet with the docotrs in a couple of weeks to discuss futher treatment options.

Steph is still busy finishing her coursework for this last semester and she and her friends are putting together a Relay-For-Life team again for this year's Relay in May. She's keeping busy and keeping her spirits up. I will be taking her to visit my family in Hawaii next week.
Please keep her in your prayers. Thanks!

I am so frustrated. I have been praying and hoping for her to be healed so completely from this cancer. It is discouraging to pray so fervently for something and for it not to happen. It makes me upset because I believe God has the power to heal her and take this struggle away from Steph once and for all. But He didn' least not yet. She is going to have to fight this more. It is painful to watch her struggle with this. And in the midst of her struggle, she gives me hope because of her faith and courage. Steph really helped me when she told me that she finally started to pray again and that's when the chemo started to reduce the size of her cancer. But what now. How discouraging this would be to find out. She's only 15.

Lord, please heal Stephanie's cancer. Heal her completely. Heal her soon. Give her hope. Be near her and comfort her. Hear my prayer.

1 comment:

Marta said...

I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going as hoped. We're still praying.
