Saturday, January 12, 2008

The bun in the oven

Things have finally turned a bend for me these past few weeks as far as my pregnancy goes. There were days and sometimes a week here and there when I seriously didn't know how I was going to make it through nine months of feeling the way I did, but those symptoms have started to fade. My energy is up. My appetite is back. Food tastes good again. There are moments of being sick that still pop up here and there, but overall, I feel a million times better. I have even started excercising again this week in hopes of keeping somewhat fit. I am in my 15th week now and Baby Bristow-Hanna is due the 4th of July! We'll be finding out if the baby is a boy or girl in about a month! What do you think it's going to be?


Marta said...

Ooh, I hope it's a girl! We're just having such a blast having one of both and getting to see the inherent differences between genders. And, girl names and clothes are just sooooo much fun- more fun in my opinion than boy ones! :) Glad you are feeling better and hope the rest of your pregnancy is morning sickness free!

Jen said...

I sure hope you have a girl! I feel as though I'm plagued with boys all around me. This does not discount any of them! I just want a little evening of the ratio...

Chelan said...

Since when are there more boys than girls in the Ries family? Priscilla, I can't get a vibe about the sex of your baby. I knew Rici would be having a boy... really I did! But I'm just not sure about this one yet. :)

brenda said...

Hey, if it is a boy you are already prepared for him! I know I was hoping for a boy (now I have to get all new stuff, talk about a princess in the making!) I just hope this baby is healthy with a happy disposition!

Jess said...

I am glad that you are feeling better! The pregnant sick is the worst kind!
I can't wait to hear what you are having. Are you going to tell names??

luminainfinite said...

Congratulations! See you and the babies sooon!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.
